Smartphone Professional photography

Professional Smartphone Photography..

Smartphone photography, Professional photography

Professional photography by Phone.

Good photography does not necessarily mean that you have a professional camera, but rather you want
 So professional and great photography from your smartphone can do.  
 But for this you need to know about the camera features in the smartphone.  Also, you have to understand the camera conditions, only then you can become a better photographer.  Here we will tell you some tips using which you can make professional photos and videos right from your smartphone.  Let's know about these tips.

Clean the camera.

 Before clicking a photo, you have to make sure that your phone's camera is clean.  Often, fingerprints are found on its camera during use of the phone.  So first clean the camera lens properly.  Otherwise, when clicking the photo, it will look blur again and again.

Landscape mode...

 While making a professional photo or video, you have to keep in mind that in landscape mode, click the photo itself and also make the video in landscape.  Because after clicking a photo in vertical or portrait mode, it will not look as good on the laptop or TV as it would in a landscape mode.  You can fit well in the frame of landscape mode.  By using landscape mode you will be able to cover more background.  Which can make the photo even more spectacular.

Excellent lighting...

 Excellent lighting is also necessary for excellent photos.  If you are clicking photos from your smartphone in the outdoor, then keep in mind that the sun should be behind you, it will provide good light on the face and subject.  While for indoor photography, take special care of the light source.  Use flash light only when it is very important.  If you wish, you can increase exposure or ISO by going to the camera settings for photo click in low light, but there is a limit to increase it, even by increasing it, the photo is spoiled.

Can also use apps...

 If you want to do great photography from a smartphone, you can also use dedicated camera apps.  With the help of these apps, you can easily edit any photo.  With this, you can also add text to it.  Which can make your photo attractive and beautiful.  Let us know that there are many apps for photography on Google Play Store.

Use of camera accessories...

 You can use camera accessories for professional photography and in the market you have many smart gadgets available that make it easy to click photos by connecting to mobile.  It includes camera lens, zoom
 And smartphone camera tri pod.  You can increase the camera quality by using them separately in your phone's camera.  Apart from increasing the zoom capability, you will also have the facility to increase the camera megapixels.

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