Privacy & Policy

Privacy & Policy

Good Guide privacy policy

Hello Friends!
I tell you about of privacy & policy of my blog,Whatever we share on our website and you get information from here, our privacy policy will help you to understand it.If you use our website than you have to follow the privacy policy , otherwise i have every right to block you.

What information i share on my website?

1..Information about blogger,such how a blog create,Template costomization,ceo,widget, blogger tips, blogger designs,etc
if you want information about blogger you can ask me

2..How to earn money from online internet?
You can get complete information about earning by online internet from here,
If you ask something you can ask to me.

3...and we share information releted to internet,social media, islamic knowledge, islamic history,funny stories,motivational quotes and stories

4..we share to you about technology.and we will share to you Facebook and whatsapp releted information.

What can we do for you......?

1...Whatever information we share for you,you can ask me your questions about it by comments. This will let me know how my experience is, it will encourage me

2...If you see any wrong post on our website, then you can suggest us by contect,I will try my best to overcome it.

3..What information should we share on our website,you can suggest us about it

How to use goodguide...?
1. Please don't wrong comments on our website!
2. that post we share on our website you can comment about it
3.If you have any complain to me then you can direct message me by "contact".It is strictly forbidden to use any wrong word in comments.

Third party link...
  1...Do not share the link of any website without our permission on our website.  You can do it if need. Do not share the link without the need, otherwise your comment will not be published.
If you need to post the link, you can.

The kookies is a very small file. The browser it uses sends it to our computer's hard drive.

Change privacy policy

We can change the privacy policy of goodguide at any time. When we will change our privacy policy, we will tell you by notification in a post .

Terms and condition....
So i hope you will follow My site's privacy policy

All rights reserved
...I have all rights to block and delete your comments,so i hope you will not break of my privacy & policy

Contact us.....
